Portfolio Support

Team Curiosity 11770 has won the Think Award many times, and even at the World Championship level. Because of this, we consider ourselves experts in building and editing a portfolio, and would love to extend that expertise to help you and your team succeed! We have two options of portfolio support and editing - please pick the one that works best for your team below! Additionally, we give portfolio presentations at season kickoffs and at other various events year. Recordings of those can be seen on the resources page.


In this option, we will review your portfolio and send back a document with listed edits and suggestions. Please submit your portfolio to this link here as a complete draft. Please only upload a PDF; we will not be able to provide feedback if it is in other formats. Additionally, upload any specific questions or areas you would like specific advice on. We will do our best to get edits to you within a week
(usually we're pretty fast!); if we expect to take longer, we'll email you to let you know.


In our direct option, please set up a meeting with us at this link here. We will meet for roughly thirty minutes on Google Meet, depending on how long it takes and how far you are into developing your portfolio, and go through every page and section providing feedback and edits. 


We contributed to T.W.C.A.'s portfolio resource! Check it out here or go to this link: https://twcarobotics.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/v2-engineering-portfolio-resource-for-first-tech-challenge-teams.pdf

If you are looking for portfolio examples, we have two of our past portfolios under resources. Our most recent portfolio is not available online due to privacy reasons