
  • COVID Microgrant Program: We launched a microgrant program to provide $500 to one returning LA/SoCal FTC team that has been affected by COVID-19. In particular, we strove to create an inclusive community by giving special consideration to teams with more students from underserved, underrepresented, and vulnerable populations who have been disproportionately harmed by the pandemic.

  • LA FTC Webinar: Our team spoke at a SoCal FTC webinar about team interaction and management in a pandemic. We talked about three main aspects of working online—courage, or the ability to form bonds and try new things; connection, or ways to stay close as a team even if you can’t all see each other in person with technology and scheduling tips; and collaboration, with details about the methods and tools we have used to work well together virtually. We call these the 3 C’s of Curiosity.

  • Wolf Corp Showcase: As a member of the winning alliance at Regionals last season, we were invited to speak at a showcase held by FTC team #12525 Wolf Corp. We shared advice about our design process and spoke about the insights that we have learned over the years about how to succeed in FTC.

  • ONSHAPE Webinar: We were invited to present at a webinar hosted by PTC about how we use Onshape in FTC. We answered live questions and gave advice, tips, and tricks that we have learned over the years. This webinar has since been viewed hundreds of times!

  • Guide to Github: Our programming team made an in-depth video and instruction manual for teams looking to get involved with Github. Click here to check it out!

  • FIRST Like a Girl Ambassador: As a FIRST Like a Girl ambassador, we collaborate with other teams to post and share what girls, especially we as a girls’ team, can do in FIRST. We primarily do this through our Instagram and Twitter accounts, which combined have over 1,300 followers. In addition, we promote events and opportunities for women to be involved in FIRST and STEM as a whole.

  • Shanghai International Youth Tech Expo: We created a video for and presented our Skystone robot at the Shanghai International Youth Technology Expo. We shared about FTC, last year’s game, our design process, and the mechanisms and construction of our final robot.